A Colorful Celebration in St. Margarethen: The 2nd Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso

The 2nd Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso in St. Margarethen was a vibrant display of flowers, classic cars, and community spirit.
A Colorful Celebration in St. Margarethen: The 2nd Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

A Colorful Celebration in St. Margarethen

The 2nd Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso in St. Margarethen was a vibrant display of flowers, classic cars, and community spirit. Despite some participants not adhering strictly to the event’s rules, the overall atmosphere remained joyful and lighthearted.

Vibrant flowers adorned many of the classic cars on display

The event, organized by the Oldtimerfreunden des ARBÖ Ortsclubs St. Margarethen, aimed to bring people together in a celebration of beauty and nostalgia. The motto of the event, “Sitzn bleibm, ratschn, oldyschaun und blumanriachn, guat essn und trinken, lustig sein, oamol nix politisieren” (roughly translating to “sit back, relax, enjoy the old times, eat and drink well, have fun, and for once, no politics”), set the tone for a day of carefree enjoyment.

Classic cars of all shapes and sizes were on display

While some participants may have taken liberties with the event’s rules, the spirit of the occasion remained intact. The event’s organizers had announced that they would be lenient with regards to the types of vehicles allowed to participate, and it was clear that many attendees had taken this to heart.

The crowd enjoyed the colorful display of flowers and classic cars

The Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso was a heartwarming celebration of community and tradition. It was a chance for people to come together, enjoy each other’s company, and appreciate the beauty of classic cars and flowers.

The event was a unique blend of flowers and classic cars

In addition to the colorful display of flowers and classic cars, the event also featured a range of other activities and attractions. These included food and drink stalls, live music, and a variety of games and entertainment for all ages.

The event featured a range of attractions and activities

Overall, the 2nd Lavanttaler Oldtimer Blumencorso was a resounding success. It was a celebration of community, tradition, and the beauty of classic cars and flowers. We look forward to seeing what next year’s event has in store.

A classic car adorned with flowers