De Knippschaff Enchants Rhöndorf with a Magical Performance

De Knippschaff performs in Rhöndorf, Bad Honnef, as part of the Musik im Pavillon and Musik im Veedel intercultural music project. The band enchants the audience with their magical performance of Cologne songs.
De Knippschaff Enchants Rhöndorf with a Magical Performance
Photo by Joseph Young on Unsplash

De Knippschaff Enchants Rhöndorf with a Magical Performance

Last Friday, the intercultural music project of Musik im Pavillon and Musik im Veedel brought De Knippschaff to the Ziepchensplatz in Rhöndorf, Bad Honnef. The band, consisting of Bömmel Lückerath and Kafi Biermann, performed many well-known Cologne songs written by Hans Knipp, including “Mer losse d’r Dom en Kölle” and “Evergreens” like “Mir schenke dä Ahl e paar Blömcher” and “Ene Besuch em Zoo”.

De Knippschaff performing in Rhöndorf

The evening was a huge success, with the audience singing along to the songs. The band played all the way through their specially compiled songbook, which was available for purchase for 2 EUR and quickly sold out. With the song lyrics in hand, the audience was able to join in and make the evening a truly unforgettable experience.

De Knippschaff’s songbook

The band’s performance was met with great enthusiasm from the audience, with many calling for encores. Although the band was happy to oblige, they were mindful of the need to avoid any conflicts with the local authorities. As the evening drew to a close, the band performed three encores, including “Dat Wasser vun Kölle”, “Drink doch eine met”, and “Kriesch doch nit”.

De Knippschaff performing an encore

The success of the evening was a testament to the power of music to bring people together. As Bömmel Lückerath noted, “So etwas schafft man nur in einem Veedel. Deswegen spielen wir dort auch so gern.” (“You can only achieve something like this in a neighborhood. That’s why we love playing there so much.”)

De Knippschaff and the audience

It’s likely that De Knippschaff will return to Rhöndorf next year, and fans of the band can look forward to another magical performance.

De Knippschaff’s logo

The Musik im Pavillon and Musik im Veedel music formats were both launched during the Corona period. While Musik im Pavillon focuses on more demanding jazz performances, Musik im Veedel aims to bring musical networking to the Bad Honnef neighborhoods with pop, rock, and Cologne music. This year, the MGV Liederkranz took over the format in Aegidienberg. Although there will be no more neighborhood concerts in the valley this year, Aegidienberg residents can still look forward to a performance by De Äsel vum Drachenfels on September 7th on the Aegidiusplatz.

De Äsel vum Drachenfels

The Musik im Pavillon series will conclude next Friday (August 23rd) with a concert by Paul Heller and Martin Sasse in trio format. The concert will begin at 7:30 PM.