Debunking the Fear: Reassessing the Severity of Linux Vulnerability CVE-2023-40547

Exploring the exaggerated hype surrounding Linux vulnerability CVE-2023-40547 and questioning the true severity of the threat. A contrarian take on cybersecurity risk assessment.
Debunking the Fear: Reassessing the Severity of Linux Vulnerability CVE-2023-40547

The Overblown Hype Around Linux Vulnerability CVE-2023-40547

As a self-proclaimed ‘NixOS ninja’ and tech enthusiast, I often find myself delving into the intricate world of cybersecurity. Recently, a buzz has been circulating around a supposed near-maximum severity bug, CVE-2023-40547, affecting Linux distributions that support Secure Boot. The mainstream view, as propagated by the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and Red Hat, paints a picture of imminent danger and high exploitability. But is the reality as dire as they claim?

Questioning the Severity

Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the severity of CVE-2023-40547 may have been exaggerated. While the NVD rates it at 9.8 out of 10 on the CVSS 3.1 scale, Red Hat assigns a more modest score of 8.3. This discrepancy raises eyebrows and prompts us to reevaluate the actual risk posed by this vulnerability.

An Alternative Perspective

Security experts like Lionel Litty and Shachar Menashe offer a different take on the situation. Litty argues that the exploitation bar is high, requiring significant complexity and specific circumstances for an attacker to succeed. Similarly, Menashe criticizes the NVD’s ‘over-exaggerated’ score, suggesting that the real-world exploitability of CVE-2023-40547 may not be as straightforward as portrayed.

Uncovering the Truth

In reality, the likelihood of a successful exploit hinges on a series of improbable events and prerequisites. From gaining administrator privileges to executing a man-in-the-middle attack on local network traffic, the stars must align perfectly for an attacker to capitalize on this vulnerability. The practicality of such a scenario raises doubts about the true impact of CVE-2023-40547.


As I reflect on the fervor surrounding CVE-2023-40547, I urge readers to approach cybersecurity vulnerabilities with a critical eye. While vigilance is paramount in the digital age, it is equally essential to discern between genuine threats and exaggerated risks. Let us not succumb to fear-mongering but instead adopt a rational and informed approach to cybersecurity.