Google Maps Gets a Boost: New Feature to Help You Avoid Traffic Jams

Google Maps is introducing a new feature that allows users to report incidents on the road, helping others navigate through congested areas. The app is also improving the way it displays destinations, making it easier to find parking spots and navigate to your desired location.
Google Maps Gets a Boost: New Feature to Help You Avoid Traffic Jams

Google Maps Gets a Boost: New Feature to Help You Avoid Traffic Jams

As we all know, traffic jams can be a real pain. But what if you could avoid them altogether? Google Maps is introducing a new feature that aims to do just that. With a simple click of a button, you’ll be able to report incidents on the road, helping other users navigate through congested areas.

Image: Google Maps screenshot

The new feature is available on both smartphones and Android Auto, making it easy to report incidents on the go. This is a game-changer for commuters who want to avoid traffic jams and arrive at their destination safely.

But that’s not all. Google Maps is also improving the way it displays your destination. The building you’re trying to reach will be highlighted, and you’ll get suggestions for parking spots nearby. This is a small but significant update that will make navigating much easier.

How the New Feature Works

Reporting incidents on Google Maps is a breeze. Simply click on the new button on the screen, and you’ll be able to report accidents, stalled vehicles, or any other hazards on the road. This information will be updated in real-time, helping other users avoid the same areas.

Image: Google Maps incident reporting

A Safer and More Efficient Commute

The new feature is a significant step forward in making Google Maps a more comprehensive navigation tool. By allowing users to report incidents in real-time, Google Maps is creating a community-driven platform that prioritizes safety and efficiency.


The new feature on Google Maps is a welcome addition to the app. With its ability to report incidents and improve destination display, Google Maps is solidifying its position as the go-to navigation app. Whether you’re a daily commuter or just visiting a new city, Google Maps has got you covered.

Image: Google Maps logo