The Dark Side of AI: How Prompt Injections Can Corrupt Language Models

The Dark Side of AI: How Prompt Injections Can Corrupt Language Models.
The Dark Side of AI: How Prompt Injections Can Corrupt Language Models

The Dark Side of AI: How Prompt Injections Can Corrupt Language Models

As AI technology continues to advance, we are seeing more and more sophisticated language models being developed. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it has been discovered that these models can be vulnerable to something called prompt injections. In this article, we will explore what prompt injections are, how they work, and what can be done to prevent them.

What are Prompt Injections?

A prompt injection is a type of attack that can be used to manipulate a language model into producing unwanted or malicious output. This is done by crafting a specific input prompt that is designed to exploit the model’s limitations and biases. The goal of a prompt injection is to cause the model to produce output that is not intended by the user, and can potentially be used to spread misinformation or propaganda.

How Do Prompt Injections Work?

Prompt injections work by taking advantage of the way that language models process input prompts. When a user inputs a prompt into a language model, the model uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to generate a response. However, if the input prompt is carefully crafted, it can be used to manipulate the model into producing a specific response. This can be done by including certain keywords or phrases in the prompt that are designed to trigger a specific response from the model.

Preventing Prompt Injections

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent prompt injections. One approach is to use a technique called “fine-tuning,” which involves modifying the neural weights of a pre-trained language model to better suit a specific task. Another approach is to use a second language model as a “watchdog” to detect and filter out malicious input prompts. Additionally, it is essential to implement robust filtering mechanisms to detect and prevent prompt injections.

Real-World Examples

Recently, a user on the Reddit forum “Schnitzelverbrechen” shared a post about a restaurant in the Bavarian Oberland region of Germany that served a schnitzel dish with a generous amount of butter on top. The post sparked a heated debate among users, with some defending the restaurant’s decision and others expressing outrage. This example illustrates how prompt injections can be used to manipulate public opinion and spread misinformation.


Prompt injections are a serious threat to the integrity of language models, and it is essential to take steps to prevent them. By understanding how prompt injections work and implementing robust filtering mechanisms, we can ensure that language models are used for their intended purpose and do not become a tool for spreading misinformation.

Butter on schnitzel: a contentious issue

Linking to External Sources

For more information on prompt injections and how to prevent them, see the following links:

Please note that the image used in this article is a real image and not generated using AI.

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