The Unlikely Stars of the Longhorn Show

Meet the Nix family, a talented family of four from Murdo, South Dakota, who are winning hearts and awards with their majestic Longhorn cattle.
The Unlikely Stars of the Longhorn Show

The Unlikely Stars of the Longhorn Show

Deep in the heart of South Dakota’s cattle country lies the charming town of Murdo, where a talented family of four is winning hearts and awards with their majestic Longhorn cattle.

This year, Chris Nix, his three kids, and family friend Breckin Aske took the Central States Fair by storm with their impressive Longhorn Show.

A Family Affair

Chris’s love affair with Longhorns began long ago when he was drawn to their striking hide colors and majestic horns. Today, he and his kids travel the country, attending half a dozen shows a year.

The Nix family’s prize-winning Longhorns.

As the World Longhorn Qualifying Show came to the Central States Fair, the Nix family was fully engaged, tending to their prized animals and busy preparing for the event. The event drew exhibitors from across the country, but this dedicated family is no stranger to the show circuit.

More Than Just Preparation

The Longhorn Show may appear to be all about showmanship and perfecting the Longhorn breed, but the Nix family knows it’s about building relationships and a deep appreciation for their animals.

“It’s pretty fun,” says Breckin Aske, a Nix family friend who helps care for the animals. “I get to go to a lot of places. It’s really fun and we get to do a lot of stuff. We learn a lot of new stuff every year.”

As they navigated the show arena, the kids took turns presenting their Longhorns, scratching them, and carefully guiding them around the ring.

Showmanship is Key

A Longhorn Show is not just about a majestic animal; it’s also about the relationship between the animal and the young person who has dedicated countless hours to caring for it.

With horn growth and body shape playing significant roles in the evaluations, the Longhorn Show often sets a high standard for its participants.

However, the Nix family has shown determination and resilience as they train, socialize, and discipline their Longhorns.

Showmanship is More Than Presenting an Animal

“Last year, I raised a tiny, little one,” says daughter Madie. “[Its name] is the real name - Sam I Am, but I named it Sparky.”

The Longhorn Show is not just about the Longhorns; it’s about the people who care for them.

The Nix Family: A True Longhorn Legacy

The Nix family has a legacy of Longhorn breeding and showing that spans generations.

As the Longhorn Show continues to attract new talent, the Nix family remains committed to their craft.

The Longhorn Show showcases the intricate relationship between Longhorn cattle and the young people who care for them.

And the Longhorns? Their history goes back generations.

Their motto? Spend more time around them.

Chris knew his Longhorns were not ordinary animals from the start.

The Longhorn Show: A Family Tradition

The Longhorn Show is more than just an event; it’s a tradition that has been passed down through generations.

As the Longhorn Show continues to attract new talent, the Nix family remains committed to their craft.

The Longhorn Show showcases the intricate relationship between Longhorn cattle and the young people who care for them.

The Longhorn Show is not just about winning prizes, it’s about sharing the legacy of Longhorn breeders.

The Longhorn Show continues to captivate ranch families across the region.

About the Author:

As a passionate supporter of the Longhorn cattle community, I am honored to share the story of the Nix family and their incredible Longhorn legacy.