Why Amazon Linux 2 Reigns Supreme: A Contrarian View on AWS Amplify Hosting

Explore the benefits of sticking with Amazon Linux 2 for AWS Amplify Hosting amidst the hype of Amazon Linux 2023 support. Discover why stability and cost-efficiency may outweigh the appeal of cutting-edge features.
Why Amazon Linux 2 Reigns Supreme: A Contrarian View on AWS Amplify Hosting

Why Sticking with Amazon Linux 2 for AWS Amplify Hosting is the Smart Choice

As the tech world buzzes with excitement over the new Amazon Linux 2023 support on AWS Amplify Hosting, I find myself taking a different stance. While many developers are eager to jump on the bandwagon of newer Node.js, Ruby, and Python versions, I believe there’s a strong case for sticking with the tried and tested Amazon Linux 2.

My Experience

Let me share a personal anecdote that sheds light on why I advocate for the conservative approach. A few months back, I decided to migrate one of my applications to Amazon Linux 2023, enticed by the promise of cutting-edge features. However, what followed was a series of compatibility issues and debugging sessions that drained both my time and patience. In hindsight, I realized that sometimes the latest isn’t always the greatest.

Stability Over Novelty

One of the key arguments in favor of Amazon Linux 2 is its stability. With a well-established ecosystem and proven track record, Amazon Linux 2 provides a reliable foundation for your applications. Upgrading to Amazon Linux 2023 may introduce unforeseen bugs and incompatibilities, disrupting your workflow and causing unnecessary headaches.

Cost Considerations

Another aspect to ponder is the cost implications of constantly chasing the newest technologies. While Amazon Linux 2023 may offer enticing features, the resources required to adapt your applications to the latest environment can quickly add up. By sticking with Amazon Linux 2, you can avoid the financial burden of frequent upgrades and focus on enhancing your product instead.


In conclusion, while the allure of Amazon Linux 2023’s shiny new features may be tempting, sometimes the wisest choice is to stay grounded in the stability of Amazon Linux 2. By prioritizing reliability and cost-efficiency, developers can ensure smooth operations and seamless deployments without unnecessary risks.

About the Author

Ethan Reynolds is a tech journalist with a passion for exploring unconventional perspectives in the world of technology. As a self-proclaimed ‘NixOS ninja’, he brings a unique blend of creativity and critical thinking to his articles.